How are GCMS notes requests processed?

When you apply for a Canada visa application — whether for a temporary visit or permanent residency—it undergoes several steps before a decision is made. At each of these steps, immigration officers record their assessments on your application in a system called GCMS or Global Case Management System. 

These notes play an important role as when an application is refused or delayed, the reasons for refusal or delay are held in these notes.

You can make a GCMS request to get access to these notes using or

When you place an order for GCMS notes, it goes through two stages before the notes are delivered to you. 

Note: ATIP stands for Access to Information and Privacy process, which allows individuals to request their records from Canadian government institutions, including GCMS notes used by IRCC to manage immigration applications.
Through ATIP, applicants can access detailed notes on their application, such as officer comments and decisions.

Below is an outline of how your GCMS notes requests are processed:

Processing of a GCMS notes request
How are GCMS notes requests processed

New order: Day 0

The process begins when you place a new order on or A confirmation email is sent to the primary applicant’s email address, along with a request for the required consent form and links to any other relevant documents or resources. If additional email addresses are provided during the order, they will also receive these notifications.

At this stage, you can sign up for the GCMS Dashboard at to track the status of your request in real time.

GCMS dashboard screenshot
Screenshot of the GCMS dashboard

Consent form submission

The next step involves submitting your consent form. Once submitted, your request enters the Processing Stage, where it is reviewed for completeness. This includes verifying that the consent form and any required documents are accurate and correctly filled out.

If additional information is needed or revisions are required, you will receive an email notification. These updates ensure that your request can proceed without unnecessary delays. You will also be notified via email when your consent form has been successfully submitted.

Dispatch of request to IRCC/CBSA

Once your consent form and associated documents are deemed complete, your request is dispatched to the appropriate authority—either Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), depending on your order type.

You will receive another email notification at this stage, and the status of your application will be updated on your GCMS Dashboard.

GCMS request processing status
Stages in the GCMS notes request process

Review of request by the concerned institution:

When your request reaches IRCC or CBSA, it undergoes an initial review. During this phase, the authority may reach out for clarifications or additional information. For example, if you entered an incorrect application number when placing your order, you may be asked to provide your UCI (Unique Client Identifier) or the correct application number to locate your immigration records.

In some cases, you might need to supply proof of identity, such as a government-issued ID. In such cases you will be notified promptly if further input is required from you.

Records search and retrieval

After the initial review, your request is assigned to the relevant group within IRCC or CBSA responsible for handling Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) requests. There are various groups within IRCC and CBSA who are responsible for handling different types of requests.

Most GCMS requests are processed within 30 calendar days, but complex requests involving a large volume of records may require additional time to search and retrieve.

Review of records

Once the records are retrieved, they undergo a thorough review by the concerned department to ensure compliance with the Access to Information and Privacy Act (ATIP Act). This step involves applying necessary redactions to protect sensitive or confidential information. Redactions are generally made for two primary reasons:

1. Security or Integrity Risks

Certain details may be redacted if their disclosure could compromise the integrity of Canada’s immigration system, national security, or other sensitive matters.

For example, information related to internal processes or security assessments might be excluded to maintain confidentiality and protect the system’s integrity.

2. Third-Party Privacy Concerns

If your records include information about other individuals for whom you did not provide signed consent, such details will be redacted. For example, if you request GCMS notes for your visa application and your spouse’s information appears in your file without their signed consent, their details will not be disclosed. Including consent from all applicants linked to your case is therefore recommended.

Screenshot of redacted information from GCMS notes
Screenshot of redacted information from GCMS notes

Delivery of Notes

Once the review process is complete and the notes are ready to be delivered, you are notified via an email notification. The status of your order changes to ‘Available to download’ or ‘Delivered’ on GCMS dashboard. And you can securely view, download or share the notes with your immigration consultant by logging into the GCMS Dashboard.

Complete File Orders: Separate Processing of GCMS Notes and Documents

For Complete File orders, it’s important to note that GCMS Notes and Documents are processed and delivered separately. These two components are handled differently, leading to independent timelines for retrieval and review.

As a result, there may be a gap of a few days between the delivery of your GCMS notes and the supporting documents. This is normal and does not indicate an issue with your request. You will receive separate email notifications as each component becomes available, and both will be accessible through the GCMS Dashboard once delivered.